Page 2 - House 101 Jungle Road Palm Beach
P. 2

Tips for reading this

                FlippingBook Digital Book                                                Content

                Hi! This is an Interactive Digital Book, that means that besides text    Tips for reading this FlippingBook                        2
                and images you will  nd links, video buttons and an index to click
                on any item to go to the di erent articles.                              About 101 jungle road                                     3

                Navigation: The Book has in its bottom menu several buttons              Virtual Tour                                              4
                such as Enlarge, Page Thumbnails, Table of Contents, Auto ip,
                Sound, Share, Full screen, you can navigate through them to
                explore the entire report:                                               Gallery Photos                                            5

                Additionally to enlarge any page you are viewing double click on         Features of 101 jungle road                               6
                it  and  it  automatically  enlarges  and  you  can  scroll  through  its
                contents.                                                                Amenities of 101 jungle road                              7

                Content:  At  the  bottom  of each  page there  is  a button that        Interior of 101 jungle road                               8
                automatically takes you back to the table of contents. In the index
                you can click on each item  shown in a soft lilac color and go           Exterior of 101 jungle road                               9
                directly to the page you want to go to.

                Searches: at the top right there is an internal search  eld, when        Additional information of 101 jungle road               10
                you type what you want to search for it shows you all the results
                of that search.                                                          Community Palm Beach                                    11

                Links: you will also  nd links to web pages, emails, youtube             Palm Beach Public School                                12
                videos, page views, etc.  These links are highlighted with a faded
                color, when you pass the cursor over them they are highlighted           Lyon Country Safari                                     13
                and when you click on them it sends you to the destination.
                                                                                         Rapids Water Park                                       14
                We hope these functions will help you in reading the Book.
                Good reading!
                                                                                         Campsgrounds & RV Parks                                 15
                NOTE: This Digital Book can be viewed perfectly on any mobile
                device being fully adaptable having all the vizualization                Back cover                                              16

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